Here is a Deep Sad Poetry, Sad Salutation dedicated to Goldie - Susan Oluwabimpe Harvey. Continue to live on. You are not forgotten.
Life happened to Goldie though so sad but we just have to accept the reality of it. Valentine's Day should be the love day for lovers, life decided to take a golden soul again.
So sad but smile girl wherever you are, your impact would forever be felt. Poem about Sadness: Yet another Cry
Sad Salutation
[Dedicated to “Goldie” - Susan Oluwabimpe Harvey]
Sad Valentine
With sad salutation of love
Icon of braveness
With an attitude of thoughtfulness
Sad life with a sad world
But our home above beckons
With the silence of adoration.
Life too short but well spent
Sad that it has to end this way
A thought for the champion
But see what the unforeseen hand
The inevitable hand for all has done
Now tears has become a song of pains
Song which only the Creator can comfort.
Life so full of living yet the end came
End that gave no moment of warning
Now how do we explain this to all
That the life so full of adorable fun
Closed with no single word of salutation
Words that would comfort all to live
The same words that could bring hope alive.
It has come, it has gone
And all we could do is weep
Now there will never be another Goldie
Who will give us another “Jawo Jawo”,
Where shall we find “Don’t Touch My Body”
And where is the hit “You Know It”...
Oh rest in love
For the day so red with love
There you decide to fade with love
In love we all love you
And in love we all say goodbye
Goodbye, for another of you shall never be
Life, so bright, rests with love on the day of love.
Nsikak Andrew
15th February 2013