For the delight of the one you love, we have here love poems for her from the heart, deep love poems for her, love poems for the one you love, deep meaningful love poems for him, romantic love poems, poems about love for her, love poems for him from the heart and poems about love for him.
Absolutely Beautiful Romantic Love Poems. When words you can die for becomes that which hurts, it makes the heart weep. When words become that of deceit, it would only make the heart depressed.
That gaze in breath for words that would make your heart beat as one. Breathtaking Romantic Poems And Short Lovely Poems For Love
But alias, it hurts when you realize that words from the month aren't the same like words from the heart.
Heart Or Mouth
Can your soul hear your words?
Words spoken from your heart
For you came like an angel
With no blaspheming words in your heart
I heard those words and my heart gladden
I heard those words and my heart opened
Like a rose flower in the morning, breathe.
Fragrances of your words
Mesmerize me like a love song
You made promises of care
Vows that would rethink a harden soul
I trip, I tremble, I freeze, I surrender…
Now I know that words from the mouth
Aren't they the same like words from the heart?
Nsikak Andrew
2nd September, 2007
Here is my true love poem for the one you love and if you send it across to your dear wife or cute husband, that would be so nice of you to do.
My True Love
My true love that I cherish
You alone who is the centre of my dream
Life without you is like a walk in darkness
You bring me joy so hard to deny.
My safe harbor when the storm of life beckons
You arise with love that quenched my doubts
My shining light that glows like a million stars
You are the sunshine that makes me happy.
Joy that is beyond my imagination
Like an eagle you soar through my mind
Living in me the desire that crave for your touch
Like a rainbow would do after showers of rainfall.
Here I am, thinking of you my true love
How I long to hold you in my arms like I always do
This feeling of you is something so special to me
The same I felt every moment I am with you.
My dream that come true
Come by with your smile that melts my heart
Let us sing to the sky a song of love
Songs that will ever bless us to be in love forever.
Nsikak Andrew
7th February, 2017
Love Poems For The One You Love. Words from the mouth might never be like words from the heart. Sometimes we are carried away by words we thought are from the heart.
Take words as it comes and never give your all to the words of a stranger that might elevate your heart and keep you in suspense forever. Love Messages For Her And Romantic Messages For Him From The Heart
Paradise On Gold
Oh! what a sweet morning
I woke up a happy man
Just going through your sweetest notes
Those hearts felt words I capture
“Paradise on Gold”
“I feel like I can trust you
I don’t know why because I just met you
But I feel like there is something special about you
That I haven’t yet found in other males,
And that is the fact that you are sincere,
Nice-looking and trustworthy all at the same time”.
You wrote those words that crippled my being
And elevated me to a mini-being
My head swells with delight
I dream love cast from above
But now I understand that words
Are like stone thrown on the surface of a river.
Nsikak Andrew
20th August, 2007