I Bless The Day I Found You Quotes, Messages and Sayings

These I bless the day I found you quotes, messages and sayings are meeting you was a blessing romantic love messages for the someone special.

Best I Bless The Day I Found You Quotes, Messages and Sayings

Are you searching for when I met you love message, how do you bless someone in a text, how do you write God bless you message or how do you wish someone you love? Then these I'm happy that I met you message, I bless the day I found you, meeting you was a blessing, God bless the day I found you, so happy I found you quotes, I'm so glad I met you quotes for him and thank God I found you love messages are the best romantic love messages you can send to the one you love.

I Bless The Day I Found You Quotes, Messages and Sayings For The One You Love

Love is real when you find that special soul made for you. The joy you would feel within your heart is something that forever would lack the true explanation. These love messages of I Bless The Day I Found You Quotes are for you to share if you found yourself getting happy for nothing. Hey friends! If you sincerely do, just check within, you would find out that you have gotten the one who gives you joy.

[1]. A better tomorrow has come because I found you. My days were the worst but now there are the things of the past because you came and cover my shame and in all showered me with the unconditional love that makes me feel special.

[2]. How could I have known that you would become my everyday dream? How could I have known that you were the very one made for me? Now that you have become my everyday dream, I blessed the day I found you as my world.

[3]. Loving you has brought so much joy into my life. You are so nice, so caring and of all so accommodating. Truly, I bless the day I found you as my true love.

[4]. You came when I needed love and took away every pain that had weakened my heart. I shall forever be grateful for the day I found you as the love of my life.

[5]. The day I found you, I knew I had found the love of my life. You are truly the one who has given me all the love I ever desire. Thank you for loving me the way you do.

[6]. Knowing you have brought so much joy into my life. You are such a sweetheart that anyone would want to be in love with forever. You have given me all the joy that makes my heart, felt loved every moment of the day. Truly, my one and only love, I bless the day I found you.

[7]. They said love is not true love till you give it away. I gave mine to you and now I am ever enjoying the bliss of your love that blessed my days. You are God sent and always, I bless the day I found you as my true love.

[8]. Though time is too short, for those who found love, time is eternity. Thank God I found you and ever since I did, I have not worried about time. Your love is a blessing that makes me feel so special.

[9]. With your love, I know I have found a brighter star and that star is your love that shines through my heart.

[10]. I am so glad I found you. What would life have been without the touch of your love, care, warmth and smile? You are one in a million and all I can do is to keep blessing the day I found you. I love you from the start and will ever love you till the end.

My Love For You Will Never Die Messages

Sweet and romantic collections of love messages for husband, wife and the one you love are truly love words that would melt the heart of the one you love. These My Love For You Will Never Die Messages are so unique and something you could send daily to your soulmate to keep rekindling your relationship.

[11]. As long as the star twinkles, my love for you will never dim. As long as the sun rises, my love for you will never fade. As long as I live, my love for you will never die.

[12]. Have you ever heard of neither love growing old nor dying? If love does not grow old nor die, then I have found that in yours and forever would I hold on to it as long as we live to see another day.

[13]. If I would live, it is for your love and if I would die, it is for your love. All I would ever live and die for, is your love. I love you.

[14]. I may not have all the fine qualities that can make you die but I have one thing that equals them all and that will I give to you – my heart and my love for you that would never die.

[15]. If everything dies and fades away, your love will never be forgotten. It has taken control of my heart and all I long for is your love which I found that gives me a peace of mind.

[16]. If everything lives and dies – love neither. For loving you, I will neither die but live. My love for you is eternal. It shall be here today, tomorrow and forever.

[17]. Blessed beyond comprehension, the aura of your love has made me whole. Her alabaster smell has engulfed my heart. Now all I do is bless The Good Lord for giving you to me.

[18]. The Lord saw my heart and brought you to me. Now I can live the rest of my days knowing that I have found the heart that was made for me.

[19]. I lost one of my ribs and never thought I would find it but when I least expected it, I found it in you. You have become my lost rib and to you shall I cleave unto forever.

[20]. A life without love would wither away and love without sacrifice would die prematurely.  You have made a sacrifice that I would forever remember that your love was meant to stay.

Romantic Morning Messages For My Jewel

Falling in love with the perfect soulmate is something that makes the heart merry. The undeniable smile that melts the heart is something that is so amazing to tell. If you have gotten the one who gives you joy, do well to rekindle your love with these Romantic Morning Messages For My Jewel. Your love would so appreciate you if you could take out time to at least weekly send messages of love that would touch the heart of the one you love.

[21]. Perfect soul, joy of my heart, beauty incomparable, jewel of inestimable value, love of my life. You’re all a God sent to my life.

[22]. My love for you is like a treasure without estimation and the worth of your value to me is like a priceless tag. Forever you’re an incomparable jewel whose value will never fade.

[23]. I think of the future we can build together. I think of life with you and our kids. I think of the day we will say I do. I think of your love, my priceless jewel.

[24]. Honey is sweet but your love is the sweetest. Gold has a price tag but your love is priceless. If I have to choose between both, I would rather will choose you my priceless jewel.

[25]. My love for you will never die. My smile for you will never fade. My heart for you will never break. You are my love, my smile and my heart. Yes, the sunshine that brightens my day and makes me special anytime any day.

[26]. Your love is like a waterfall, it never stops. Your love is like a million stars, it never fades. Your love is like life, it never dies. Your love is me; it will always be here for you.

[27]. Love was made because of us. Love also exists because of us and love shall forever live because of us.

[28].Your worth and values are not a replacement. Your care and kind heartedness are priceless. Your love and smile are irresistible. Truly, you are a diamond that shall never fade.

[29].Even if everyone glances through, they would be blind to see the priceless worth of your love. Your love is priceless and to it, I shall live for the rest of my life.

[30].Your worth and values are irreplaceable. Your care and kind heartedness are priceless. Your love and smiles are irresistible. Truly you are a diamond that never fades.

I Love Your Eyes SMS Messages

Let the eyes of the one you love rekindle happiness and many emotional feelings each time you stare at it. If you have gotten so emotional and felt so loved when you gaze through, you can send these I Love Your Eyes SMS Messages to that special love of yours.

[31]. You brighten my day with your love that is the sunshine to my heart. Each time I look into your eyes, I smile because I know I have gotten what it takes to gladden my heart.

[32]. You are love personified. When I look into your eyes, all I see is the true image of love. For loving me, I have no doubt that love was created for us.

[33]. The magic in your eyes and the love of you, I found no word to explain them. All I could say is that it tells a story of your love that will never fade.

[34]. Each time I look into your eyes, I behold the beauty of you and each time I think of you, I have the feeling of wanting you always. Truly, you are the joy of my heart that I long for to be my love forever.

[35]. I held your hand and my heart grew weaker. I looked into your eyes and tears of joy fill my heart. Now see how your love has weakened my heart to surrender to none else but you.

[36]. I looked into your eyes, I found love. I searched through your heart, I still found love. I look into you. I found me and the love you have for me.

[37]. Whenever I see the smile on your face and the joy in your eyes, my heart is satisfied knowing that you are the only one made for me.

[38].When I saw the smile on your face and the joy in your eyes, there my heart was satisfied for I know that this journey of ours in love has found a perfect peace of mind that shall keep us as one.

[39]. Each time I look into your eyes, I feel closer to you. Your love brings me closer and closer to you. For the way you love, I will ever be closer to you.

[40]. My all in one; my treasured house of favour. Each time I looked into your eyes; I need not complain because you are all that I have; my true and only true love.

Ever Since I Met You SMS Messages

Love comes with a unique feeling that makes you feel so special if you are with the rightful soulmate that sincerely appreciates you. Thinking of the first day you met him or her, if that is right, these collections of Ever Since I Met You SMS Messages are for you to share with the one you love.

[41]. When I met you the first time, the joy I felt inside my heart is the same feeling that I still felt right now. Right from the day I saw you, I knew you were the one made for me.

[42]. Ever since I met you, my dream is incomplete without a part of you. You have become my dream and every moment, I long to behold the sweet memory of your love.

[43]. Ever since I met you, you have become everything good to me. You’re like my mother, sister, brother and friend. For you, anything I will do to hold you close to my heart forever.

[44]. I stand here to declare my love for you. Ever since I met you, you have become a pillar of strength and a blessing to me. You are loved every moment of the day.

[45]. Falling in love with you is the sweetest thing that has ever happened to me. Ever since I met you, I have found my treasure house of love in you.

[46]. My state of mind is the most perfect thing I have found since I met you. It is at peace all round the clock just because I found a perfect love in you.

[47]. Since I met you, you have become everything good to me. You are more than a friend to me. For you I will hold close to my heart forever.

[48]. I thought flowers were the most beautiful thing but that is now a bye-gone since the day I met you.

[49].If others claim to have seen angels, I shall never be bordered because since I met you; I have found in you the angel others are searching for.

[50]. The day I met you, my world changed and ever since I started loving you, I have gotten a different meaning to life.

Tears Of Love Romantic Messages For Love

When you love and feel the sweet tears of love flowing right from your heart. Those moments that made you felt wanted and those secret moments that you felt so emotional about the love you felt; something that you can’t deny but felt so glad to find the blissfulness of love. If you had felt this before, these Tears Of Love Romantic Messages are soulful messages of love that would gladden the heart of the one for you.

[51]. The tear in my eyes is nothing else but the feeling of my love for you. If you truly love someone, you find these tears of love. I shed tears that you would always realized that my love for you is real and unconditional.

[52]. Let my tears be the portion that upholds our love. Let it also be the joy that makes us live to love each other till the end.

[53]. Tears drop my eyes each time you hold me. How I twisted so tight in your arms just to feel the hidden touch that only your love can give.

[54]. To the throne of my heart, you came, took my tears away and gave me the love that I am so proud of. For that, I will live to love you till the end.

[55]. Look into my eyes if you can’t see an eye that longs for your love, then make no mistake for the silent tears that drops from my eyes tells you how much I love you.

[56]. I held your hand and my heart weakened. I looked into your eyes and tears filled my heart. See how your love has weakened my heart to surrender to none else but you.

[57]. You're the one who turned my sorrow into joy, tears into laughter and weakness into strength. For this you will ever be my love no matter the test of time.

[58]. I held your hand and my heart weakened. I looked into your eyes and tears of joy fill my heart. Now see how your love has weakened my heart to surrender to none else but you.

[59]. I promise never to let tears drop from my eyes anymore but even if it does, know that the joy of finding a perfect love in you, makes me shade tears of joy.

[60]. Each time I think of your love for me, tears of joy feel in my heart. Till you came my way, no one had loved me the way you do.

You’re My Heart Love SMS Messages

The one you love is the one that makes you feel so special. When you love, you give your all to the one you love. You’re My Heart Love Messages are true romantic messages of love that express how you feel right inside your heart for the one you love.

[61]. Your love has given me a new heart ever since you came into my life. Now I cannot have another heart without you. You are my heart that beats as one.

[62]. You came into my life and took away my sorrow. You gave me joy and made my heart a happy place to dwell in. Now I can’t live without your love.

[63]. I missed you; I treasure you and care about you. I hope you can see through my heart, then you will understand the truth.

[64]. With your love in place, the door to my heart opens. It is you that will ever occupy. None can come in, for the door to my heart is yours and yours alone.

[65]. With love in my heart, I found you. And that same love that brought us together will ever be with us to make our journey in love a blissful experience that I will ever love to cherish.

[66]. Every beat of my heart is a function of your love. You take me higher and now I can breathe again and again, all because you give me the reason to breathe again.

[67]. The sound of your voice melts my heart and when you smile, my spirit, body and soul is made whole. I’m complete just hearing your voice and seeing you smile.

[68]. When you love me, my heart is like a green land that flourisheth like a rose flower.

[69]. This little seed you sowed inside my heart has grown into an oak tree. Now it has bear fruits of togetherness wrapped in love of you.

[70]. Every passing day, I am falling in love with you. The reason is that your love keeps renewing my heart to fall in love with you over and over again.

You’re The Love Of My Life SMS Messages

Here we are with some uniquely touching You’re The Love Of My Life SMS Messages that you can share with the love of your life. Love is a special feeling that gladdens the heart and makes it felt wanted anytime, any day. You have got our back with these love SMS messages which are perfectly crafted for you to send to your love interest.

[71]. The gift of you is like the joy of Christmas. Every moment around you brings me happiness. I’m so glad to have you as a true friend and the love of my life.

[72]. If anything satisfies my soul and makes me happy, it’s you and your love. I must say I’m the luckiest person on earth to have you as the love of my life.

[73]. I live for you, love of my life. I breathe because you love me. If you stop loving me, I can’t imagine what my world will turn to – everlasting darkness.

[74]. Everyday a thought of you sends sweet memories across to renew my heart to love you like never before. I am comforted because I know I have found in you the love of my life.

[75]. When I’m with you, you make me feel at home. Let your heart forever be open to accept my love. For among the others, it’s you I have chosen as the love of my life.

[76]. Love of my life, one with a heart of gold. You’re an epitome of pride to me. And like the ROSE flower whose morning sunrise brightens my day.

[77]. Why would I want to live forever if not for the love of my life. If not that someday one would die, for you, I would want to live forever.

[78]. Love of my life, you’re the desire of my heart and nowhere could I run to without your love that had given to me all that I needed in love.

[79]. Perfect soul, joy of my heart, beauty incomparable, jewel of inestimable value, love of my life. You’re all a God sent to my life.

[80]. You brought sunshine into my life and now I am a better person because of you. If I am to love again, none else will I choose but you love my life.

Thank You For Everything You Do For Me Messages

Come to think of it. How effective is your smile when you find true love? Do you sincerely appreciate the one you love? And if you do, then how often do you express your love to that special person in your life. If you are still thinking of what to do, we have got your back here with these Thank You For Everything You Do For Me Love Messages that would melt the heart of the one you love.

[81]. I sincerely want to thank you for standing by me this far. You have shown to me that you are truly a God sent. I shall forever love you till the end.

[82]. You are like the rain that renewed my heart. You light up my spirit when I am down and give me the joy that brightens my day. I thank you for loving me the way you do.

[83]. I was looking at the river as it flows and all that was on my mind was your love. I love you more than words could explain. Thank you so much for bringing sunshine into my life. Indeed nothing can be compared to you. You are my sunshine and the one I would always love.

[84]. Even if I die, within my departed soul, your love shall forever live on. This love of yours shall be my shelter even in that dark ground of descending feet. I shall rest with thoughts of you in my soul till the glorious day that the trumpet shall sound.

[85]. Pleasure in the web of your love. Her sublime lines had lured me to the edge of your throne. There I am web with engulfed pleasure that the passion of your love sub-plant. Let me be webbed, for the alluring power of your love, I surrender, that this love of yours shall forever be my web of treasure.

[86]. Two strange souls, brought together by one soul – love is the word. To her, we have found ourselves and in her, we shall make our bed that at the root of her birth shall we gloom, that everyone who liveth, shall know that the love of us, is one made from above.

[87]. Like two rivers flow together, so is our love. This was meant to be that we will flow in want of each other. Thank Goodness that we met so we can flow together in love till the ends do us part.

[88]. In my heart, your love takes her reign. The throne is where she sat and ruled with all the passion that it bears. I have no resistance to her rulership. Her will I obey, to love you and live for you just as it commanded. Her will I obey, to love you and live for you just as it commanded.

[89]. I beseech thee take not your love away from me. If I live, all I need to feel is the breath of your tender loving. Your love is like the dawn of a new day. My soul has awakened with a passion that seek for none else but you.

[90]. Look to the sky and behold your beauty painted in every wave of her movement. Look within your soul and see your love painted like the wave of a rainbow. To the sky and your soul, I have found the beauty of love. Let me live in this beauty of you that I will recount my days in everlasting pleasure.

[91]. Virgin of my love, you that innocency has dotted your days. Make me your lover that within the closet of my soul, your love would reign. If I could find a way to your heart, to you forever, will I give the treasure of my soul.

[92]. Let not your body glimpse through the thoughts of my heart. For a thought of your alluring beauty, drives me insane. I shall only be cured by the sameness of your care. And your tender touches that is all I need to see another day.

[93]. I await you in my arms like a mother would await his new born child. I await you in my arms like a man would await you in my life like someone would await the love of his life. I await you, for the throne of my love, your heart has stolen.

[94]. Nothing makes any more meaning to my life than your love. Nothing gives me joy like your love. Your love is all I need to make my life a happy one. Thank you for loving me. Now I am a better person all because you love me.

[95]. Your love has rescued me and saved me from many troubles. If not for your love, I would have found myself in the wrong hands. Thank you for the love you bring, I would always be grateful for the love we share.

[96]. Tenderly you took me in your arms and the feelings I felt can never be explained. I long to be in your arms for there I have found paradise to my soul. You are indeed a blessing to my life. Thank you for this tenderness of your love; it is all I need to feel the essence of falling in love.

[97]. Days come and go, but your love came and stayed. I am so glad that it stayed, for all I needed was the love of you to stay and make me a new person. Thank you for this love of yours that has redefined me and made me feel the need to love again.

[98]. The steps to happiness I have found. Do you want to know the steps? You, me and our love! I found you and found the steps to happiness. Thank you for giving me the strength and courage to love unconditionally without restriction.

[99]. Like a miracle you came my way and blessed me with the flame of love that you carry. For you, my life is better for knowing you. Thank you my shining star for loving me the way you do.

[100]. With every touch of your love, I am energized with the zeal to love you more. Thank you for bringing me the love that has set my heart to love you forever.



Lovingly – Expressing Love, Endlessly and Lovingly!: I Bless The Day I Found You Quotes, Messages and Sayings
I Bless The Day I Found You Quotes, Messages and Sayings
These I bless the day I found you quotes, messages and sayings are meeting you was a blessing romantic love messages for the someone special.
Lovingly – Expressing Love, Endlessly and Lovingly!
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