Motivational Good Morning Prayer Messages for Friends and Loved Ones

These motivational good morning messages for friends are romantic good morning prayer for my love, good morning prayer wishes, good morning prayer messages for friends in english, good morning prayer and good morning love message, good morning prayer message for her, good morning message for a friend and good evening prayer message for a friend.

Best Motivational Good Morning Prayer Messages for Friends and Loved Ones

 Sharing happy moments of good morning prayer messages is something that would always be thought of at every occasion. When you are alive to witness the dawn of yet another new day, it is important and of true essence that you reach out to your friends and loved ones with messages that would help put them in focus and make their day joyful. Best Inspirational Messages And Motivational Quotes About Life For Friends

Sending happy good morning prayer messages to your friends and loved ones is something you need to keep your friendship blossoming from strength to strength and it is one of the things that would make their days feel so special to them.

You can share these messages on Whatsapp, Facebook Messenger and timeline or send text messages to their phone numbers.

Good Morning Prayer Messages For Friends

[1]. Good morning. Peace be unto you as you wake to life today. Today is victory day, God will grant you total victory in Jesus name.

[2]. Beloved hear what the scripture says in 1 Samuel 17:37. David said moreover, the Lord that delivered me out of the paw of the lion and out of the paw of the bear; He will deliver me out of the hand of this Philistine. I prophetically pray for you this morning and I decree by the power which established Heaven and the earth. The mighty warrior in battle will lead the Heavenly Hosts to destroy every lion, bear, Goliath, and Philistine of your life in the name of Jesus amen. Have a victorious day.

[3]. Isaiah 43:19 said, "Behold, I will do a new thing; now it shall spring forth; shall you not know it? I will even make a road in the wilderness and rivers in the desert." The Lord will do a new thing in your life this day in the name of Jesus Christ. Have a peaceful day.

[4]. Today, you will see God in a new way. He will take over your battle and fight for you. Whatever is standing between you and your destiny shall be pulled down. Encouragement will replace discouragement. Where you have fallen, you will arise and hope will replace hopelessness. God will connect you to your divine helper and you will enjoy a stress less victory. By the end of this week your song shall be a victory at last. Good morning. God bless you today and forever in Jesus name.

[5]. The Lord shall cause your heart to be filled with praises and your mouth with laughter this week.

[5]. The Lord is your shield and defender, against all enemies. He will conquer every battle for you. Psalms 35:1. O Lord, be on my side against those who are judging me; be at war with those who make war against me."  No weapon fashioned against you and all that concerns you shall prosper. The strongman working against your progress and limiting your advancement, making you wonder from one place to the other will die by fire if such fails to repent. The fire of God will consume every spiritual garment of disfavor, mark of hatred, rag of poverty, cloak of barrenness disturbing your life and liberate you beyond limits, in Jesus name. Amen.

[6]. The Almighty God is your anchor. I pray for you this morning, you will not lose your anchor in the storms of life. The raging storms in the nation will not consume you. The God that never fails will shield you. The Almighty God will arise and protect you from the billows of danger. He will give you victory over all challenges, triumph over all obstacles, and glorification in the full glare of people who have mocked you.

[7]. When people lament of a casting down, you will glorify God for a lifting up. Your needs shall be miraculously provided for. Your blessings shall be made manifest and you will bless the lives of many. Your life is safe in His shadow. You will reach a safe harbour in Jesus Mighty name. Amen. Good morning. Have a blessed week.

[8]. The voice of the Lord will stand out for you no matter the noise around your life. His word will speak for you no matter what the enemy is saying. You will surely be blessed by the Most High God. The Lord will help, keep, uphold, sustain, protect, defend and exalt you. His hand will be around you for good. The enemy will not swallow your glory in Jesus name Amen.

[9]. Today, our Heavenly Father will reward your hard work and make you an overcomer in Jesus name. I prophesy into your life today, as you knock, doors of opportunities shall be opened unto you. As you seek, you shall find favour before man and God. As you ask, all your prayers shall be answered.

[10]. May God bless you with what you pray for, reward you with what you work for, grant you with what you hope for and surprise you with what you have not asked for. So shall it be in the name of Almighty God the Father, the Son and the Holy Ghost. How To Reactivate Your Mindset And Let Joy Flow Like The River Of Joy

Inspirational Good Morning Prayers And Quotes For Your Love Ones

[11]. Today marks a new beginning in your tide of success, the power to identify and take opportunities is given to you. The keys of progress, prospects, prosperity and favour are handed to you.

[12]. No matter what generational limitation people before you are going through, your case will become different and you will open the path to unlimited glory. This week, you will testify and your life will be an evidence of His glory.

[13]. The Angel of the Lord has located you with that good news. Don't be afraid for the Lord your God is with you wherever you go. Your glory will shine in the midst of your enemies. Your wounds shall be healed. Your stolen blessings shall be restored in multiple folds. May His blessings and peace be at your doorstep this morning and may you have a very wonderful day.

[14]. The blood will speak for you, the Word will work for you, the Almighty will perfect all that concerns you, you will prosper, the work of your hand will prosper, you will prosper in health, your soul will prosper in the name of Jesus.

[15]. Whatever trap is set against you, the One that is greater than the greatest will make a way of escape in the name of Jesus.

[16]. The remaining days of this year shall be to you the season of rest, season of harvest, season of joy, season of peace, season of celebration, season of turnaround in the name of Jesus.

[17]. Good morning dearly beloved. My prophetic prayers for you today are:

[a]. As you step out into the world the blood of Jesus will shield you from dangers and calamities.
[b]. Every voice that is not of God planning to speak negativity into your life shall be condemned by the power of the Holy Ghost.
[c]. This week shall be devoid of chaos and crisis for you and your family. The Lord shall put an end to every form of panic and anxiety in your life.
[d]. The covenant of sure mercy of David shall be upon you as you step out of your abode.
[e]. The Lord Himself shall strip you of every act or habit that does not glorify His Holy name in your life and family.
[f]. May you receive new life transforming ideas this week as you look up to God for solutions to every puzzle in your life.
[g]. The Lord shall arise for you this week and none of your adversaries shall be able to withstand you thereafter. He will set a table before you in the presence of your enemies and none shall raise a finger against you and your family. These and many more are my prophetic prayers for you and your family this day in Jesus name. Amen. Shalom!

[18]. No door of Favor will be shut against you again in the name of Jesus!  Today the Name of God will be glorified in your life. God's hand shall be feasible in your life with undeniable proofs in Jesus Name. Amen!

[19]. The peace of God that passes human understanding will abide with you now and always. The Lord is the shade upon your right hand; the sun shall not smite you by day nor the moon by night. The Lord sends you help from above today. Receive capacity to operate at a higher frequency. I see you elevated!

[20]. Welcome to your season of supernatural turnaround and dramatic change of story. The Lord will cut off your enemies, and destroy those who afflict your soul. Good measure, pressed down, shaken together, and running over will be put into your bosom in Jesus Name. Best Relationship Advice And Quotes On How To Make A Man Happy

Best Good Morning Prayer Reflection for the Week

Good Morning Prayer Reflection For The Week

[21]. Unstoppable laughter shall be your testimony all through this year in Jesus Name.

[22]. This is your week of amazing turn around in Jesus Name. Today you will receive help where you least expected in Jesus Name. This is the day which the Lord hath made; we will rejoice and be glad in it. Lord will clothe your enemies with shame in Jesus Name.

[23]. Today and always I decree into your life that every hopeless situation in your life will begin to receive visible hope. The spirit of favour will come upon you and you shall walk in victory and liberty of the spirit everyday. As the Lord liveth; in the remaining months of this year, sorrow will not visit you or your home.

[24]. As the month ends, I download peace, abundant joy, vision and purpose, success, prosperity, creativity, promotion, divine acceleration, health, wealth, favour and righteousness into your day. I delete frustration, calamity, failure, sickness, affliction, tragedy, sorrow and all evils in your pathway in the mighty name of Jesus.

[25]. There shall be no sorrow in your life, there shall be no afflictions, and no calamity; only the voice of rejoicing and good news shall be heard always in your tabernacle.

[26]. The glory of God will shine upon you, the anointing for good health, success, progress, prosperity and breakthrough shall rest permanently in your life in Jesus' mighty name.

[27]. Every satanic hardship and frustration expires today from your life in Jesus' name. As you see the dawn of a new day, favour will take over your labour in Jesus' mighty name.

[28]. Welcome to another brand new day. May the newness of the day bring you joy and happiness. You are blessed by the Lord. Your goals and aspirations will be achieved. The God of glory shall envelope you with His might. You are stepping into God's plan for your life. You will daze all those who looked down on you. God will change your story to glory. The Lord will destroy the power of the grave over you. You will eat the best of this land and your eyes shall see the goodness of the Lord. Peace be unto you in Jesus mighty name.

[29]. As you rise from your bed this morning, the land you walk on today will produce blessings, the sky above you will release happiness over your life, the breeze around you will blow peace, every step you take will bring fulfillment. May He who raised heavens without pillars and built the universe without bricks bless, protect and sustain you now and forevermore in Jesus Name. Amen!

[30]. The voice of the Lord will stand out for you, no matter the noise around your life. His words will speak for you, no matter what the enemy is saying. You will surely be blessed by the power of the Most High God. Inspirational Quotes About Criticism And Overcoming Challenges Of Life

Good Morning Motivational Prayers For The Day

[31]. The Lord will help, keep, uphold, sustain, protect, defend and exalt you. His hand will be around you and your entire household for good. The enemy will not swallow your glory, you will not miss the best of the land and no one will steal what belongs to you in the Mighty name of God. Amen. Have a peaceful, blissful and fruitful day.

[31]. Worry less about things you have no solution to and think out possible means of escape for the one you can solve. Don’t lay low because you can’t solve a particular situation, most times until we acquire certain knowledge we can't solve certain problems too. The Lord is your strength today and always.

[32]. Today the owner of joy will visit you with everlasting joy, the greatest helper will meet you at the point of your needs today, the only one with promotion ability will move you to your next level, the Almighty who has divine connections will connect you to your destiny helpers, the only one who can comfort and bring laughter will intervene in that your confused situation, above all the King of Kings who has power to deliver the oppressed will turn your shame to glory and put them that are waiting for your downfall and disgrace into everlasting confusion and shame.

[33]. Good morning my beloved and welcome to a new day. To God be the glory. My prophetic prayers for you today are:
[1]. The Ark of God that killed Uzzah in the book of 2 Samuel Chapter 6, prospered Obed-edom the Gittite. I hereby declared that what killed others will give you life. What brought others down will be your stepping stone to the top. What caused others to weep shall make you laugh.
[2]. The God of heaven shall cause a permanent end to your groaning and put your fear in your enemies.
[3]. The Bible says in Isaiah Chapter 3:10 "Say ye to the righteous, that it shall be well with him; for they shall eat the fruit of their doings". I hereby echo the words of God that it shall be well with you. You shall not build for another to inhabit.
[4]. The Lord has also declared to your adversaries "Woe unto the wicked! It shall be ill with him; for the reward of his hands shall be given him". Isaiah 3:11.
[5]. The Bible says in 2 Samuel 22:46, "Strangers shall fade away, and they shall be afraid out of their close places". Therefore, everything that represents stranger in your life such as sicknesses, diseases, poverty, failure etc is hereby evicted this day by the authority in the name of Jesus.
[6]. The Lord of hosts shall be with you, the God of Jacob shall be your refuge as you step out again today.
[7]. You will not be a candidate of misfortune or sudden calamity. His peace that surpasses human understanding shall abide with you.
[8]. The Bible says in Psalm 46:9, "He maketh wars to cease unto the end of the earth! He breaketh the bow and cutteth the spear in sunder; He burneth the chariot in the fire". Declare to yourself "The siege of war (spiritual or physical) in my life is over".
So shall it be in the mighty name of Jesus. Amen. Shalom!

[34]. I pray for you this morning that the God of Heavens shall turn your worries to wonders, the everlasting arm of the Most High shall lift you high and above every flood of life, wherever you go and wherever you will be, the peace of God shall be a shield around you in Jesus mighty name. Assuredly today, God will cause you to sing a New Song in Jesus name. Enjoy a blissful day!

[35]. Good morning, the same gallows He-man dung for Mordecai, was where he was hung, the sword Goliath brought to cut off David's head, was the sword David used to cut off his head, the same people that threw Daniel into the den of lion were eaten by the lion's, the fire that was kindled for the 3 Hebrew boys consumed the same people that kindled it. So I pray for you, this year every weapon of your enemy against you will consume them in Jesus name. Shout Amen.

[36]. What will a CANDLE lose in lighting another CANDLE? Obviously NOTHING! Life is better when you are happy but life is at its best when OTHERS are happy because of you: Be faithful in touching other's hearts. Be an inspiration. Nothing in nature lives for itself; rivers do not drink their own water. Trees do not eat their own fruits. The Sun does not shine for itself and Flowers do not spread their fragrance for themselves. Living for others is a rule of nature. We were all born to help each other. No matter how difficult the situation you find yourself in, still do good to others. Stay blessed and have a great day ahead.

[37]. By the power of the Most High God who made the heavens, the earth, the sea and everything in them, I speak peace into every area of your life today, may you experience the peace and favour of God in a new dimension. His presence shall go with you and give you rest. Your situation, your health and your financial breakthroughs will come easily in Jesus name. For with God nothing is impossible, yours will never be impossible for God to do in Jesus name. The Angels of the Lord shall minister divine solutions to your problems and every area of your needs in Jesus Mighty name. Amen. Good morning, have a wonderful day.

[38]. Whatever comes your way as you journey into this New Year, remember the lesson of this story.
A little boy and his father visited the country store and upon leaving the store, the owner of the store offered the little boy some free Sweets. “Get a hand full of Sweets", the merchant said to the boy.
The boy just stood there looking up at his father. The owner repeated himself, “Son get a hand full of Sweets, it’s free.” Again the boy did not move, continuing to look up in the face of his father.
Finally the father reached into the candy jar and got a hand full of Sweets and gave it to his son.
As they walked back home, the father stopped and asked his son why he did not grab a hand full of the free candy. The boy with a big smile on his face looked into the face of his father and said: “Because I know that your HAND is BIGGER than mine.” So, whatever your needs are this year, please place them in the FATHER'S HAND IN HEAVEN, because HIS HAND is BIGGER THAN YOURS. Happy good morning.

[39]. Instead of dancing your destiny away in ONE CORNER, why not study God's word in ONE CORNER. Pray in ONE CORNER. Have a retreat in ONE CORNER. Worship in ONE CORNER. Build up in ONE CORNER. The prayer you prayed in ONE CORNER can make you a CHIEF CORNERSTONE. Start from ONE CORNER.

[40]. The breakthrough that announce itself, the prosperity that shout, the success that cannot be caged, the favour that cannot be stopped, the benefits that breaks protocols, the promotion that change level and status, the wealth that kills the taste of poverty and suffering, the peace that terminate trouble and ill-health, the joy that wipe away sorrow and pains, the Lord God Almighty will give it to you as from now on in Jesus name. Amen. Good morning and have a joyful day. Best Inspiring Motivational Proverbs For Friends About Life

Best Good Morning Prayers of Encouragement for the Week

Good Morning Prayers Of Encouragement For The Week

[41]. As you proceed in the days of this new week; His grace will sustain you. Your life will translate to testimony. Favor will replace shame and reproach. Holy hand of God will lift you to the desired height. Perpetual peace and no frustration shall be your portion. Fruitfulness, success and prosperity are your companions. The covenant of God will make you untouchable. Your supplication will attract divine attention and desired answers. Because He lives, you are far from sorrow and bitterness. Divine empowerment for exploits shall forever be yours in Jesus name. Good morning and have a peaceful week ahead.

[42]. God bless you tremendously and perfect all that concerns you in Jesus name. Amen. Have a splendid day. Cheers!

[43]. Every hand that is lifted to strike you today will wither, every tongue that is lifted to condemn you will go dumb, every leg that is running to harm you will be twisted. God the helper of the helpless will help you in all areas of your life. He will increase your joy, mercy, grace and peace to the fullest. He will keep all evils, sickness, diseases and plaques away from you and your family. Everyone planning to harm you will never understand the power that is fighting for you. May the remaining days of this year, be a period of jubilation for you in Jesus mighty name. Have a wonderful day.

[44]. I loved this prayer so I'm sending it to you.‬ *NOT FOR EVERYBODY BUT FOR YOU & YOUR LOVED ONES*
[1].The Chief Butler  *INTRODUCED* Joseph to Pharaoh,
[2]. Mordecai *INTRODUCED* Esther to the King,
[3]. King Saul's servant *INTRODUCED* David to King Saul.
As from *TODAY* someone will *INTRODUCE* you to the *HELPER OF YOUR DESTINY IN THE MIGHTY NAME OF JESUS CHRIST*. *Note this>>*
[1]. Obed-edom never *APPLIED* for the ark,
[2]. Joseph never *CONTESTED* for the palace,
[3]. Elisha was not a *SON OF A PROPHET*,
[4]. Mary never *CONTESTED* to be mother of *JESUS CHRIST*.
[5]. Peter did not *INVITE JESUS CHRIST* to his ship.
Therefore, from today, *DIVINE FAVOUR, MERCY AND GRACE OF GOD ALMIGHTY SHALL DISTINGUISH* you and your household, and *GOD'S PLAN* for your life shall come to *MANIFESTATION* at the *ALTER OF MERCY*. Your *CASE IS SETTLED*. No evil judgment shall keep you *DOWN AGAIN. BY MERCY YOUR GLORY IS RESTORED*. Your *DESTINY IS HEALED*. All the earnest expectations of your enemies *SHALL BE DISAPPOINTED*. *YOUR BROKEN HOPE IS RENEWED*. By *MERCY YOU'RE TAKING OVER* your enemies territory. Those good things you have stretched your *SPIRITUAL AND PHYSICAL MUSCLES* to get, and you couldn't, *MERCY SHALL* bring them to you without *STRUGGLE*. By *MERCY YOU SHALL RECOVER ALL, WITHOUT LIMITATION IN CHRIST JESUS*. As you send this prayer to many people. *GOD ALMIGHTY* shall send you *HELPERS* as many as you *NEED, IN THE NAME OF CHRIST JESUS*. This is your portion this week, and the remaining days of the year and beyond, you're *BLESSED*.

[45]. Psalm 100:4 [NIV] - Enter His gates with thanksgiving and His courts with praise; give thanks to Him and praise His name. This is known as a Psalm of ascents—or a Psalm that is to be sung as you enter the temple. This song tells us that thanksgiving and praise has little to do with emotions; they are choices that we have to make as we prepare our hearts for worship. So take a moment today and ask yourself: What can I be thankful for? How can I praise God’s name for all He has done, He is doing and will do? Don’t be surprised to see your heart change as you do because praise and thanksgiving is designed to take our eyes off ourselves and place them on the One who has the power to change us.  Our lips of thanksgiving will not go down, the spirit of praise will envelope our lives, despite all odds in Jesus name.



Lovingly – Expressing Love, Endlessly and Lovingly!: Motivational Good Morning Prayer Messages for Friends and Loved Ones
Motivational Good Morning Prayer Messages for Friends and Loved Ones
These motivational good morning messages for friends are romantic good morning prayer for my love, good morning prayer wishes, good morning prayer messages for friends in english, good morning prayer and good morning love message, good morning prayer message for her, good morning message for a friend and good evening prayer message for a friend.
Lovingly – Expressing Love, Endlessly and Lovingly!
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