Green as a Yellow Page is a political poem that draws our attention to the fail promises of political on fulfilling their campaign promises.
When things are not going the way it should be, that calls for questioning. Bad leadership wouldn’t stop if we fail not to question how we are governed.
It shouldn’t be a promise thing anymore but action should be in place for all to have a feel of true leadership.
Green as a yellow page should be one straight colour for all to see and not mixing of words that comes with deceit.
Green As A Yellow Page
Promises mounted
Like Mount Everest
Promises faded
Like mountain dews
Promises that can’t
Withstand the test of time.
In the name
Of the Holy Books they swore
Without a pending consciences
Of that, which most come.
Our collective sweat
They promised to uphold
But now see what they have done…
Nsikak Andrew
26th September, 2007