This is one of the best poems for the Ibibio people of Akwa Ibom State. The poem is inspirational and natural in nature that tells their root.
We are celebrating the Ibibio’s with this inspirational poem about their roots.
This is one of the best poems for the Ibibio people of Akwa Ibom State. The poem is inspirational and natural in nature that tells the root of the Ibibio people. Best Poem for Akwa Ibom Our AkwaAbasi Ibom State
The Ibibio’s are a blessed people. Come share in their joy with these natural poems for the delight of the Ibibio’s. Poem about the Dance of Our Maidens
The Ibibio’s
In the silent of nights
In the blossom of morning
In the harshness of sun
In the coldness of evening
Our forebears whelm the forest
Without a fear of the beast that governed.
Across the lakes
Across the mountains
Across the rivers
Across the narrow paths
The foots of our forebears did not weary
A journey across the forest they migrate
In search of a virgin land for their descendants.
From Usakedet in the Cameroon’s they set-forth
In Ikot Oku Ikono – Uyo their foot were not in vain
Posterity was the light that guides their path
For the land that flows with promise and fulfillment
They made their first home of rest
Today, you are the bride every tribe courtes with envy.
Great achievers of Akwa Abasi Ibom State
The pride fourth largest ethnic group in Nigeria
The first to agitate for state creation
Land whose son was the first soldier in Nigeria
The first M.Sc holder in Agriculture
The first black Cardinal in Nigeria
The first black Prelate of the Methodist Church Nigeria
The First born of Akwa Abasi Ibom State
The first in virtually all spheres of life.
Your land is pride in black gold,
Your soils are pastures that shames hunger
Your water are blessing that breathes life
Heritages of your forebears you uphold in high esteem
Your maidens are pride that uphold the family values
None would ever fault your reign,
For the globe, your descendants bestrode with might.
Descendants from Usakedet, the Ibibio’s we are
Like a true son from the Ibibio tribe
I salute in the dialect of our ancestors
For it is said, a warrior greeted in the dialect of the warriors
Shall ever regain his strength as a warrior.
Ibibio isong o!
Ibibio isong o!!
Ibibio isong o!!!
Nsikak Andrew
9th August, 2007